Friday, July 24, 2009

Infectious Disease - Friday July 24th

1. What did you think of the microbiology lab?

2. Do you think it would be fun to work in this environment?

3. Some people have described infectious disease evaluations as being like detective work -- what do you think?

4. Which infections did you enjoy learning about? Why?


Chris said...

I think it would be really neat to treat people with infectious diseases. Seeing all kinds of these crazy viruses and having to put the pieces together to discover the proper treatment would be difficult but worth the effort once you see the patient recovering. I would always be worried about exposing myself to some tropical virus or larvae while on vacation! It is very much like detective work. Pathogens cause major problems, however, many have similar effects but cannot be eradicated by the same medication. The doctors and nurses have to search the blood samples and the entire body to discover which disease the patient has been infected with. I liked learning about Gonorrhea because I had no idea that the pustules could be located all over the body. I also enjoyed learning about the dangers of eating raw oysters and drinking unfiltered water. I really had no idea how dangerous that could be.

Rachel said...

It would be really cool to work in Infectious Diseases. I love how they have a lunch conferences where they go over difficult/interesting cases.

Since many of the symptoms for various infections are the same, it would be difficult to find all the pieces and put them together. It appeared that they started out considering all common infections consistent with the symptoms and the narrowed it down through testing. The processes they use are very much like that of a detective.

I enjoyed learning about the Rocky Mountain Spotted (and Spottless) Rash. I also thought the larvae in the skin was gross but interesting!

Anonymous said...

Infectious disease is a really cool and interesting field. I, personally, love all of the classifications of microbes and think it would be incredibly fun to work in this environment. The evaluations are like detective work; the symptoms, history, and radiological evidence must all be pooled together to solve the "case." All of the infections were a joy to learn about.

bryanm41 said...

I thoroughly enjoyed walking through the microbiology lab and could see myself performing that type of research. The task of finding cures for the rapidly evolving disease population would be a daunting task. I would definitely consider infectious disease study to be alot like detective work. The answers can only be found through intense research and investigation. We were presented with information on the Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever which I found fascinating. Overall, I would say that today was one of the most intriguing thus far.

Jackson Taylor said...

I think infectious diseases would be fun to work with, but I'm not sure I'm smart enough for that. haha. It would be fun though to take on that detective-style role. I loved learning about each infection individually as each was different and interesting in its own way with very interesting causes, effects, and treatments (ex. bacon).

Chloe L. said...

Seeing the infectious disease department of the hospital was really intriguing. I particularly enjoyed the lunch that we went to where we saw the differential diagnosis at play- just like on "House". It is very much detective work, which is what I think draws people to it. I found all the infections equally enjoyable and I think that working in a field like infectious diseases would be really cool.

Anonymous said...

[i missed half of this day, but in regards to what i did take part in...]

i found the infectious diseases lecture fascinating; all of the infections were grotesquely intriguing. i love that each case is unique and shrouded in mystery; infectious disease evaluations are definitely comparable to detective work, putting pieces of the puzzle together to come to a conclusion.

Katie Page said...

I think I would really enjoy working in a microbiology lab and trying to figure out what is making people sick. I think it is very much like detective work because you use the clues that you have (symptoms) to find the answer to the mystery (diagnosis). Rather than picking just one topic that I liked the most, I'd have to say that I really liked all of them a lot! I was so grateful that someone was there behind us to explain a lot of the jargon that the doctors used during the lunch conference - I would have been soo lost without out that.

Arushi Gandhi said...

I really enjoyed learning about infectious diseases, although some of them were pretty gross. The disease that really got to me was where the fly laid its egg inside the skin of a mammal and the larva had to be suffocated out. I think it would be fun to work in infectious diseases--during the conference lunch it was a lot like detective work because the doctors had to "solve" the problem with limited information from the residents. However, I don't think I could work in infectious diseases as a career because I wasn't as interested in the material as I have been in other departments of medicine.

A.Quigley said...

I thought the microbiology lab was intricate and rather difficult to understand but very interresting. I would like to work in this environment--I really enjoy the mystery of the presented disease and really enjoy learning about the variety of forms that it can present its self in. I thought today was valuable and I really enjoyed the speeches that were given and the explanations that the physicians so kindly gave us.

Parker Davis said...

I was actually shadowing during this part of the day...

Andrew said...

For some reason I do not seem to recall much from friday, but what I do remember was that there was a lot of statistics involved in the studies that they did with the retirement communities. I thought the study was interesting and the different variables they tested for that would not have seemed to correlate to the disease seemed almost humorous.

Julian said...

I was not here since I was shadowing a cardiac surgery