Describe your experience visiting the LifeFlight Helipad and Flight Control.
Did the video you watched add to the value of the experience for you?
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
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This blog is written by Vanderbilt Young Scholars Medical Program students to share their thoughts and experiences during their three week immersion into the Life of Vanderbilt Medical Center. We hope you enjoy reading about the program, its students and the Medical Center. Vanderbilt does not edit this blog. Bloggers are solely responsible for content.
I thought it was awesome!! It was really interesting because I never really thought about all of the technical work behind the lifesaving that goes on. The view was pretty cool too.
it was great to go out and feel the breeze up there. it's really amazing to know that no matter where something happens, vandy can respond and be at the scene to help as soon as possible.
I think that the video emphasized the speed and effectiveness of the life flight program and how it drastically increases the chance of survival. I could definitely live with the view.
I thought it was great. The guy (forgot his name) was interesting and it was cool to be above everyone else. My uncle used to work with SkyMed and one day, he was scheduled to work but got off, and that chopper crashed and the whole crew died. My uncle was one of the people who went to go look for them. To be up there and know that so much can go wrong but that safety is #1 and that they do everything they can to ensure that they get to the site safely and return with the patient safely really gives me faith that if anything bad ever happens, someone will come to save the victims.
The name says it all, in my eyes. What really amazed me about this program was that the nurses who worked in the eye of danger, weren't paid extra, they weren't made to do what they are doing now- they chose their job. They took the risk. And they love what they are doing. There's just nothing better than that. And when the patients are in critical care, their life is in the hands of people they don't know...but then there is that common beauty in all of us that notions the preservation of life, despite the odds- and it all comes together- a life is saved. It's a wonderful feeling, it's simply unique.
Life flight was really cool! I never knew how much organization and teamwork it takes to use lifeflight and it's really cool that they can control the Nashville airport if they need to and be to any site in such a short amount of time.
Lifeflight was really neat! It's amazing that the nurses can actually take care of the patients in the helicpoter and it seems like it would be hard because you are constantly moving while you have to help the person in need.
I hate being the outsider here... LifeFlight was obviously very cool and is also seems to be hands down a wonderful addition to any hospital, but we also learned about how much time and money it takes to be able to create and maintain that service. I think it is great that perhaps Vanderbilt may be able to save a life that no other hospital in TN can, but I am just afraid that with rising gas prices the whole service may become more detrimental than helpful in that the money used for the care of patients using LifeFlight may be taking money away from other patients. I guess I'm kind of relating this to the whole quantity/quality of life we briefly discussed today with Beth.
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