Thursday, July 17, 2008

Medical Resources

1. Was it easy or hard to use the various text and online resources to look up information? What did you like or what frustrated you about it?
2. Do you think it would be hard to learn how to use all these resources to be able to answer questions quickly while taking care of patients?
3. Can you see yourself creating or updating resources such as these as part of your future job?


Caroline said...

I thought it was really easy to use all the various text and online resources. I think it's great there is all that information out there for doctors to use because obviously no one is going to remember every single disease and how to treat it.

Rachel Cohen said...

It was surprisingly easy and not frustrating to find all the information we needed. All the resources were straightforward and you could find your answer quickly which I guess is important for doctors to be able to do. I think it's great that someone has compiled all this information to make it easily accesible to everyone, but I KNOW I could not do it.

Rohini said...

I thought it was pretty easy to use the resources probably because we get a lot of practice using various resources at our school. Although I could never see myself actually updating the resources. It doesn't seem like a very exciting job.

Emily said...

1. I liked using those text books. We have many similar ones lying around my house, and it was nice to finally see them put to good use, as opposed to decorating the stairs. I enjoyed working with the books the most.

2. No

3. I'm not sure

Sydney said...

I thought it was really easy to use all the resources. It was a lot less complicated then i expected however I don't think I'd really enjoy updating and revising textbooks for a living but someone has to do it because no body could memorize everything in them!