Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Decontamination - Monday July 27th

1. What are the four ways that toxins can get into your body? How do the decontamination showers reduce exposure to these toxins?

2. If there were a mass casualty and Vanderbilt had to activate the decontamination showers, would you prefer to be one of the people conducting the decontamination unit or would you prefer to be on the inside evaluating the victims?


A.Quigley said...

1. Eyes
2. Mouth
3. Skin
4. Body Cavities
Honestly I'm not sure. If there were a mass casualty at Vandy I would prefer to be evaluating victims rather than conducting decontamination--though both sound very interresting and cool to me.

bryanm41 said...

The decontamination showers are an effective method of removing toxins from patients. The routine drills keep the vandy staff prepared for any scenario. If I were to be present during a major decontamination, I would feel most comfortable inside the hospital examining patients.

Anonymous said...

1. inhalation (mouth, nose). absorption (skin, eyes). ingestion (mouth). the decontamination showers are a fast and efficient way to rinse off a large amount of the toxins a patient may have been exposed to.

2. solely based on personal interest, i would prefer to be inside evaluating the victims, though both roles are equally important.

Chloe L. said...

Toxins can get into your body through the mouth, skin, eyes and other openings in the body (eg, the nose).
I think that I would rather be inside evaluating victims, because I think that I would be more helpful there than I would be outside.

Jackson Taylor said...

eyes, mouth, skin, and body cavities are the ways toxins can get in your body. The showers quickly flush the toxins off to reduce the amount of exposure. If there was to be an actual mass casualty, I would want to be face to face with the contaminated patients in the decontamination unit helping get the toxins off before further examination.

Arushi Gandhi said...

Toxins can get into the body through the mouth, eyes, skin, and other body cavities. The showers help to rinse off the toxins quickly and efficiently to prevent further damage. During a mass casualty situation, I would want to be evaluating the victims because I think it would be more interesting; both are very helpful though.

Parker Davis said...

The four ways that toxins can enter the body include through the eyes, mouth, skin, and other body openings like through the nose. The decontamination showers can reduce exposure to these toxins by removing them from skin and clothing. If there were a mass casualty, I would prefer to be on the inside evaluating the victims, for this provides more hands on care and communication with the patients.

Rachel said...

Toxins can get into your body through your skin or body cavities such as the eyes and mouth. Decontamination showers reduce exposure, because the powerful showers rinse the chemicals off of your skin. The less time the chemicals are on you, the less the extent of your injuries.

I would prefer to be on the inside evaluating the victims. While conducting decontamination is crucial, it is more of a repetition, whereas evaluating victims would be more interesting.

Anonymous said...

The decontamination showers use plastic barriers and high-flow water to isolate the contaminants. Toxin can enter the body via the eyes, mouth, skin, and wounds?

I would prefer to be evaluating the victims.

Sarah McClure said...

On the skin
Through the eyes or mouth
Through openings of the body

I would definetly like to be inside helping victims. The decon job looks hard..

Andrew said...

eyes, mouth, skin, other cuts or openings.
I think i would rather evaluate the patients because I suppose in a selfish way, I would not want to get myself contaminated, but also it would be much more interesting to evaluate people.

Julian said...

Toxins can enter through opening in the bodies, skin, eyes, and mouth. I would personally like to be the one conducting the unit, so I can help the victims more efficiently and swiftly.