Thursday, July 16, 2009

Eskind Biomedical Library - Wednesday July 15

1. Why do you think the medical library is so important to physicians? Why can't physicians just learn what they need to know for their individual specialties?

2. The library has worked hard to integrate medical information into the regular workflow of physicians so that they can quickly and easily find answers to their quiestions- can you give an example of how the library has managed to do this?

3. What did you think of the Historical Archives? What impressed you the most about them?

4. Could you see yourself as a medical librarian? Why or why not?


bryanm41 said...

I found the historical archives to be very interesting. The medical books date all the way back to the 1800s. Viewing some of the original artwork in the medical journals reveales how primitive their techniques were at the time. My favorite piece of the historical archives was the amputation kit from the civil war. I would recommend that everyone take some time to look through this unique colection of history.

Chris said...

The medical library is incredibly important to physicians and medical students because physicians need to know the side effects of any medication their patients may be taking and possible side-effects of diseases. Medical students must use the library to gain the knowledge necessary for them to become physicians or nurses. In order to properly care for their patients physicians need to know much more than expected about general medicine and various specialties. If these physicians neglected the library they could easily prescribe a medication that is incompatible with a medication or disability their patient already possesses.
I was very impressed with the historical archives. I did not expect something like them to be on the medical part of Vanderbilt, I envisioned them as part of the university. Who would have guessed that the Rockefeller family gave more money to the school than the Vanderbilts ever did? The tools valuable to learn from and possessed historical value as well. I was completely amazed that books from the fifteenth century even survive outside of museums since they get many from families.

Jackson Taylor said...

The library was interesting. It is important for us to keep these historic and momentous works with us available as they still contain materials that have taught and keep teaching physicians all the time. Physicians need to know almost all areas of medicine because doctors will often come across a diagnosis that requires medical knowledge from multiple areas.

The library was so impressive to me given the condition of the works after all this time. I was especially impressed by the tools and instruments that were used many years ago. While libraries have never been my strongest area, I still find the medical library interesting, but I could not see myself working there because of the lack of action and intensity that I long for in medicine.

Arushi Gandhi said...

I found the library a lot more interesting than I expected. The Historical Archives were very impressive because they dated back to so long ago. It was really neat because I found a few books written in French that I could interpret, but I also found some with ancient French that I had trouble understanding. I enjoyed looking at the anatomical drawings from so long ago; the old medical tools were also cool.

I think it is very important for physicians to have access to a medical library. There is always something new to be learned, and outside information is always helpful. I think that in order for physicians to give their patients the best care possible, they should educate themselves with as much information as possible.

Chloe L. said...

I wasn't there for that day, again.

Katie Page said...

The library is probably really important because it shows just how far the medical field has come since hundreds of years ago.
I thought it was really interesting that in the library, there weren't just books about medicine, but also cook books and even a collection of microscopes dating way back in time, and even the original illustrations to really old books by the 'father of medicine', whose name I can't seem to recall.
I can't see myself being a librarian as a full time job, but I think it would be really interesting to volunteer there or something, because just by being in that environment, you can pick up so much!

Parker Davis said...

It is important that a doctor have resources available to educate themselves about all aspects of healthcare and specialties other than their own, so that they might consider the patient's care on a more wholistic basis rather than simply through the eyes of their specific training. The library is conducive to helping physicians as demonstrated by its staff always being available to help answer questions and look up resources. The Historical Archives were very impressive, for the collection was so vast, both in subject matter and in years the works were published. I can't personally see myself as a medical librarian, for I would prefer a more active and fast paced career.

Andrew said...

I think the archives are important to doctors just as history is important to us so that we do not repeat mistakes whether they be military or medical. It was very interesting to see some of the drawings of the human anatomy and how crude and inaccurate they were. I definitely cannot see myself as a library.