Thursday, July 16, 2009

Informatics - Wednesday July 15

1. What intrigued you most about StarPanel and the Vanderbilt Informatics system?

2. How do you think StarPanel improves patient care?


Katie Page said...

What really got my attention about the informatics in Vanderbilt was everything that had be put into consideration in the planning stages before a program like StarPanel could even be created. The different sides to the argument in why these electronic programs were beneficial or not were all valid for numerous reasons, and it is obvious that a lot of thought had to be put into designing a program that would ultimately work for their patients and yet not upset the balance between them and the doctors.

Andrew said...

The most surprising aspect of informatics to me was how much everything depended on the efficiency of the exchange of information and how even a small change in such a system can greatly increase the capacity of that system. It was interesting to hear about all of the roadblocks that doctors have to face when it comes to sharing information whether it is with another doctor or even the patient and how those roadblocks are dealt with or avoided altogether.

Maddie Graham said...

The Vanderbilt Informatics system makes medical recording much more efficient. It allows for patients to feel more involved in their own health while at the same time not overwhelming the physicians. StarPanel has taken many intricate details into mind in its creation in all of the bounce back emails and responses.

Parker Davis said...

The entire subject of Informatics was intriguing for me, for it is a side of the healthcare system that I had never before heard of or considered, though it happens to be an incredibly vital one. This system is vital to improving patient care for it ensures that primary care physicians are always aware of their patient's time spent in the hospital and in various other scenarios.

Chloe L. said...

I was absent for this part of the day, but I learned that informatics is involved in all parts of the hospital and is relied upon heavily so that the hospital can continue to run efficiently.